Jharkhand Police Constable Syllabus 2025 & New Exam Pattern
Jharkhand Police Constable Syllabus 2025: Securing a government job in the Jharkhand Police Department requires excelling in the competitive exam. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the syllabus and the updated exam pattern for the JSSC Police Constable Exam 2025. Each year, the JSSC publishes notifications for police and constable recruitment on its official website. To clear this exam on the first attempt, candidates must thoroughly understand the latest syllabus for the Jharkhand Police Constable Exam.
Jharkhand Police Constable Syllabus 2025
Generally, the Police constable exam syllabus is the same for all Indian states. However, each state has a few differences in preparing for the police entrance exam. But if we talk about the selection process for each police exam is the same as these types of written tests, physical tests, and medical. These are the simple three steps in Police selection in India. This rule is implemented in all states. We have added the latest JSSC Constable syllabus and exam pattern in detail here.
There would be two papers in this exam each question contains 3 marks and the wrong question deducts 1 number from the total number.
Numbers of Papers | 2 |
Total Questions | 200 |
1st Paper | 100 |
2nd Paper | 100 |
Total Number | (300+300)= 600 |
Each Question Marks | 3 |
Minus Marking | 1 Each Wrong Questions |
Exam Mode | Offline (OMR) |
Jharkhand Police Constable Official Syllabus 2025
Below we provide the right information to you in Hindi, because this exam notification was released in Hindi language, not in English. This exam is very simple and easy to crack this in less time.
लिखित परीक्षा- लिखित परीक्षा में 2 प्रश्न पत्र होंगे प्रत्येक प्रश्पत्र की अवधि 2 घंटे की होगी। दोनों ही पेपर के प्रत्येक प्रश्न तीन अंक के होंगे। सही उत्तर के लिए तीन अंक मिलेंगे और गलत उत्तर के लिए एक अंक काटा जायेगा। दोनों पेपर वहुविकल्पी होगें।
प्रथम पेपर-1 (क्षेत्रीय या जनजातीय भाषा ज्ञान)
हिंदी, अंग्रेजी, संस्कृत, उर्दू, संथाली, बांग्ला, मुंडारी, खड़िया, कुरमाली, खोरठा, नागपुरी, पंचपरगनिया, उड़िया, में से किसी एक भाषा की परीक्षा वैकल्पिक होगी, जिसका पूर्णांक 100 नंबर का होगा, पेपर १ में अभ्यर्थी को कम से कम 30 नंबर पाना अनिवार्य होग।
द्वितीय पेपर-2
इन पत्रों में दो भाग होंगे भाग 1 हिंदी भाषा से सम्बंधित होगा। जिसमे प्रश्नो की संख्या 50 होगी ये प्रश्न अनुच्छेद पर आधारित होंगे, हिंदी व्याकरण, मुहावरे एवं लोकोत्तिया एवं वाक्यो को शुद्धि करण से सम्बंधित होंगे,
भाग 2 में 25 प्रश्न सामान्य ज्ञान से तथा 25 प्रश्न न्यूमेरिकल एबिलिटी से समन्धित होंगे, परीक्षा अवधि २ घंटा होगी कुल अंक 300 होगा, सभी पत्रों की परीक्षा में सभी प्रश्न वस्तुनिष्ठ होंगे, प्रत्येक प्रश्न ३ अंक का होगा और गलत उत्तर पे 1 अंक काटा जाएगा।
Jharkhand Police Constable Syllabus 2025
In the JSSC Police syllabus 2025 there are sections normally. These are the most popular topics in the JSSC Constable syllabus like General Knowledge, Mathematics, Reasoning & General English or Hindi in the few state police exam there are state-level questions. To prepare for these topics you have to make the proper strategy to crack this exam.
1500+ GK Questions for Jharkhand Police Exam
Jharkhand Police Constable Syllabus 2025 For General Knowledge
To succeed in the Jharkhand Police Exam, thorough preparation for General Knowledge questions is crucial. We have outlined the General Knowledge topics in both Hindi and English for your convenience. Make sure to study these topics along with current affairs questions. Each topic in this section is vital for securing good marks in the exam.
- Scientific Observations
- History of India
- India and Its Neighboring Countries
- MuConstablec & Literature
- Indian Economy
- Political Science
- Geography of India
- Indian Culture & Heritage
- Books & Authors
- Important Dates
- International issues
- National and International Current Affairs
Jharkhand Police Constable Syllabus 2025 For Mathematics
Mathematics is a very significant topic in the Jharkhand police exam 2025. Most of the candidates score the number in this subject as per the expert suggestions this subject is the only one that provides 100% number scoring options. There are many sections in the Jharkhand Police constable mathematics topic. Follow the below Jharkhand Police constable mathematics syllabus and start preparing these sections.
The Number system is a very important topic of number scoring and aspirants must check all practice questions of the Jharkhand police constable exam.
1. Number Systems
2. Decimals & Fractions
3. Whole Numbers
4. Fundamental Arithmetical Operations
5. Mixtures & Allegations
6. Profit & Loss
7. Data Interpretation
8. Percentages
9. Ratios and Proportions
10. The rate of interest
11. Mixture & Alligator
12. Discount
13. Time and Distance
14. Time & Work
Jharkhand Police Constable Syllabus 2025 For Reasoning
Reasoning is another important topic and subject to score the number. There are many topics in this subject and each topic is vital for your preparation. Each question contains a good number. So aspirants must prepare the reasoning topic to get more marks in this exam. Each topic is essential for this exam.
1. Verbal Classification
2. Making Judgments
3. Verbal Reasoning
4. Essential Part
5. Analogies
6. Statement and Argument
7. Logical Deduction
8. Artificial Language
9. Matching Definitions
10. Number Series
11. Letter and Symbol Series
12. Theme Detection
13. Cause and Effect
14. Logical Problems
15. Statement and Conclusion
Jharkhand Police Constable Syllabus 2025 For English
1. Grammar
2. Shuffling of sentence parts
3. Idioms and phrases
4. Spot the error
5. Sentence structure
6. Spellings
7. Detecting Mis-spelt words
8. Adjectives
9. Clauses
10. One-word substitutions
11. Vocabulary
12. Fill in the blanks
13. Shuffling of Sentences in a passage
14. Improvement
15. Passage
16. Verbal ComprehenConstableon passage
17. Antonyms
18. Synonyms/ Homonyms
19. Verbs
We have provided the latest syllabus and exam pattern for the Jharkhand police exam 2025. Every topic mentioned in this article so always start the preparation after reading the full syllabus and exam pattern.
Jharkhand Police Exam Pattern 2025
Do you want to know about the Jharkhand Police Constable exam pattern and new Syllabus? In this article, we have discussed the syllabus and new exam pattern of the Jharkhand Police Constable Exam 2025. As you all know there will be 2 papers in the Jharkhand Police Exam 2025.
In the Jharkhand Police constable exam, you have to attend two papers each paper contains 300 marks and in the first paper, there would be language-based questions like Hindi, English, Tamil, Odia, Sanskrit, etc. Here candidates can select one paper in this exam.
Exam Name | Jharkhand Police Exam 2025 |
Total Vacancy | 4919 |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Papers Number | Two Papers |
Each Paper Questions | 100 |
1st Paper Syllabus | Regional Language with 100 Questions |
2nd Paper Syllabus | 50 Questions from Hindi Grammar and Articles 50 Questions from Numerical and Reasoning. |
Negative Marking | 1 Number Deduct in Wrong Answer |
Exam Medium | Hindi and English |
JSSC Police Syllabus 2025 FAQs
Q. What is the qualification of the Jharkhand police?
A. 10th class certificate or an equivalent.
Q. What is the salary of Jharkhand Police?
A. The average Jharkhand Police salary ranges from approximately ₹ 8 Lakhs per year for a Police Inspector to ₹5.8 Lakhs per year for a Sub Inspector.