CTET Books 2024 for Paper 1&2, Best Books in Hindi English
If you are searching for the best books for CTET 2024? You have reached the right place to select the most important books for the CTET exam 2024. CTET organized the national level competitive exam to hire the govt teacher for classes 1st to 5th and 6th to 8th class. In this article, we would provide you with complete information about the CTET exam-related syllabus, exam pattern, top books, etc.
You all know this exam is held national level and you can apply to centers all over India according to your choice. CTET exam is held two times a year but due to Covide, there were many problems with organizing this exam. Most of the experts suggest preparing for the CTET exam with NCERT books but there are not enough. Everyone can use these best CTET books for preparation in 2024.
To crack the CTET exam you should have the most significant books with you as well as complete information about the latest syllabus. Each aspirant must have the latest books with the previous year’s questions and practice sets. Before buying any CTET books you need to know a few tips as we have given below.
Best Books for the CTET Exam
You all know that there are many books and publications of CTET and taking the guarantee for success. But you have to be careful before buying any type of CTET’s latest books online or offline. If you are going to purchase the best book for the CTET exam in Hindi or English. Check the below points before buying any books.
- Before purchasing any CTET books check the publication year or dates. Always buy the latest dates books.
- Check the qualified candidates suggested books with simple language that can be understood.
- If you are buying books online from Amazon, Flipkart checks the book’s reviews and which is the best book for CTET 2024 exam preparation to purchase online.
- Check your book that should cover all the latest syllabus which is based on the latest pattern with adequate practice sets at each lesson ends.
- Candidates must buy the previous year’s questions paper-based practice sets which are very essential for the candidates.
- Always check to buy the recommended books by Jankari Hub or other expert teachers or qualified candidates recommendation.
Best Books for CTET Exam (Syllabus and Exam Pattern)
Before starting the preparation for the CTET exam 2024 it is very significant to know about the latest syllabus and exam pattern. You all know that there tow papers for CTET 1st up to 5th class and for 2nd up to 8th class. Below we have given the latest syllabus and exam pattern for the CTET exam. Candidates must have complete information about the CTET exam 2024. Look below.
- CTET exam is held offline with two papers.
- Both papers I and II contain 150 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) of 150 marks
- Each and every question is one number.
- No negative marking.
- The time for solving each paper is 2 hrs 30 minutes.
- Both papers are bilingual means two languages Hindi and English. You can attend according to your choice.
- First Paper is Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I, Language II, Mathematics, and Environmental Studies.
- CTET syllabus for paper II includes questions from the following subjects – Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I, Language II, Mathematics and Science/ Social Studies/Social Science
- The questions for papers I and II are based on topics mentioned in the syllabus of NCERT books of classes I to VIII
Best Books for CTET Entrance Exam
Now we have come to the main topics of this article as we know very well for qualifying for any type of exam the main role of the exam is the Best CTET preparation books. If we see the Syllabus of these Exams click now. In the competitive exams book, Arihant Prakashan has a good book volume. These best books for CTET exam preparation were used by qualified candidates and most CTET recommended.
CTET Paper 1 Book
Subject | Writer/Publication | Amazon |
Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET & TETs (Paper-I & II) | Arihant | Buy Now |
CTET & TETs Bhasha Hindi Paper-I & II | Arihant | Buy Now |
CTET and TETs English Language and Pedagogy | Arihant | Buy Now |
Mathematics Exam Goalpost for CTET & TETs | Arihant | Buy Now |
Environmental Science | Youth | Buy Now |
CTET Paper 2 Books
If you are preparing for secondary level students teach 6th to 8th classes. You need to have these important books for CTET exam preparation. The below book lists are very vital for the CTET exam and will help you more. Recommended by qualified candidates. In the below table, we have listed the best books for the CTET paper 2 exams 2024. The CTET Paper 2 books have included the complete CTET Exam Pattern and New Syllabus for Paper 2. Expert has suggested these few important CTET Paper 2 Books.
Subject | Writer-Publication | Amazon |
Child Development and Pedagogy | Pearson | Buy Now |
CTET & TETs Child Development & Pedagogy (Paper I & II) | Arihant | Buy Now |
CTET & TETs English Language Paper I & II | Arihant | Buy Now |
Hindi Bhasha Evam Shikshashastra CTET & TETs (Paper I & II) | Arihant | Buy Now |
CTET & TETs for Class VI-VII Mathematics & Pedagogy | Arihant | Buy Now |
CTET Science and Pedology | Pearson | Buy Now |
CTET Success Master Paper-II Teacher Selection for Class VI-VIII Social Studies/Science 2024 | Arihant | Buy Now |
Best Books For CTET Exam Child Development & Pedagogy

According to All experts, this book is very important for your state exam. This book is Pedagogy and Child Development. These books cover all the important topics. Arihant has printed this book with strong material. India’s CTET Preparation material. These types of books are sold online CTET Books in Hindi PDF. There are two options to select the book according to your reading language as seen below in Hindi Medium.
Above Bal Vikas Avam Shiksha Shastra. for both paper solutions. If you want to buy this book click now and checkout.
Best CTET Hindi Book
Hindi is the main and lead role in these competitive exams. There are many books and CTET books in Hindi PDF available. Below the book is Arihant Prakashan and selected as the best Cete Hindi book part 1 and part 2 both.
The above-selected book contains these types of material for your CTET books. The language of this CTET book is Hindi. Books reveal many tips for language learning acquisition including writing and speaking tips. Grammar, teaching, vocabulary, etc. There are many types of questions in this reading book.
Best CTET English Book
The English Language is the very most important book and syllabus of CTET Books. These are the NCRT-based Books for CTET. Written this book by Geeta Sahni is very famous for writing books with the latest material. And it’s a best-selling English Book for CTET Preparation. Tips for the Preparation of CTET are included in this book.
This book covers all topics related to the syllabus of CTET English Language like the principles of teaching, learning, speaking, writing, and narration. Reading comprehension etc.
This book also includes a complete chapter on English Literature which includes Drama, Poetry, and Other Literature. Literature refers to works of creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction. Literature is important to us because it is universal, introduces us to new worlds of experience, and affects us, as we grow and evolve through our literary journey with books
Best Environmental Studies Books for the CTET Exam

Best selling Environmental book for CTET examination. This book contains many questions more than 1600 related to the environment. Previous year’s Ctet exam questions are available in this book material. All questions are in Objective format not many more in descriptive. According to the questions paper, this subject is not tougher than other subjects. but we suggest you read this properly so that your exams can be cracked easily.
This book is not only useful for CTET Exams but also for UPTET. So always have the details about this exam.
Best Mathematics Books for the CTET Exam

Wiley books are the most important book for CTET exams because this is the latest syllabus. This has been selected as the most selling and popular book for Mathematics CTET books. It provides us with previous years’ questions that were asked in exams. All questions are solved in this book. This is full of 600+ Questions with details along with Mock Test for the further coming exam.
We can get more and more options to do the best in our practice after each chapter by that we can enhance our knowledge. This is the Paper of 1 Class to V. Set your gold to select the best and most prominent book for CTET exams.
Best Social Studies Books for CTET Exam

Big options for the CTET preparation students in Hindi Medium. Go with the book because of all related topics included in this study material in the paper on NCERT Based syllabus. Selected by the expert because of Arihant Prakashan. In both languages, this can be bought. Many types of questions are very unique.
Best Social Science Books for CTET Exam
In the new edition of the book Study Guide for CTET Paper 2 – English 4th edition (Class 6 – 8 Social Studies/ Social Science teachers), All questions of the CTET Exam from 2013 to 2018 all relevant questions are in these books. All questions are topics-wise with optional. The main content of this book is divided into a part as given below.
In the first section, all questions are MCQ Based on optional according to the previous year’s paper. In the second section, there are many options for the student. as follows
The book is a must for all the candidates appearing in Paper 2, Social Studies stream of the ” Very useful for further state exams CTET and State TETs like UPTET, Rajasthan TET, Haryana TET, Bihar TET, Uttarakhand TET, Punjab TET, Tamil Nadu TET, etc.
Best Sanskrit Books for CTET Exam

Sanskrit subject is the main lead like other subjects. In these exams, Sanskrit is the best CTET book. This book gives us 1900+ very important questions. All questions are in Object format. This book comes most List of the 2024 CTET exam. Sanskrit syllabus is like Hindi and English as a mandate. All types of exams like UPTET and other state exams.
A) CTET Success Master Paper-II Teacher Selection for Class VI-VII SOCIAL STUDIES/SCIENCE
Containing all study materials found in this book for the Teacher Eligibility Test for all over India. Success Master is the selling book for all types of competitive exams.
B) CTET & TETs English Language Paper I & II
This is another English language book for your coming teaching exams. This is for papers 1 and paper 2. This book is prepared with glorious questions.
C) CTET & TETs Solved Papers
Arihant is a famous publication for competitive exams. This book is one of them in terms of most selling CTET Exams. The content providing this book helps your target.
How to Prepare for CTET Exam 2024?
As above we have explained many options of the best and most important books related to your competitive exams CTET 2024. In terms of book selection, there are many options online to buy the best CTET preparation books in 2024. Always select the latest exam syllabus book. On the Internet, there are many practice Sets available. Nowadays many coaches are in metro cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and many more rural areas. Make notes always of selected golden questions in your notebooks. If we talk about publication books always use Arihant as a suggestion.
Questions paper of CTET comes in both languages in Hindi and English you can select according to your regional language. Do and solve all types of model papers of CTET previous year like 2018, 2017, 2018, etc. Sample paper of CTET Exam is the lead role of your practice. Download the Admit card for Ctet Exams before the coming exams.
Set your exam times at your home before going to the exam hall because, in the exam hall, there will be no more time to manage your time frame.
CTET Preparation Tips
As you all know that many aspirants applied for this form and would attend this exam at the national level. To crack this exam you all need to have the important books for the CTET exam 2024. Below we have given the golden rules to prepare for this exam and score a good number in this exam. Look at these tips to prepare for this exam.
- First of all, candidates should check the weak and strong points in the subjects and make the timetable accordingly. If your English subject is weak and Hindi is strong in this situation you have to focus more. If your timetable is strong and you follow that surely you will get more numbers in the exam.
- Aspirants should check the latest syllabus of CTET from the current notification 2024. If you prepare for this exam you need to have complete information.
- To improve your speed of solving the questions in the exam you must have solved at least one mock test online or offline without seeing the answer keys.
- The major point to crack this CTET exam you should solve the previous year all questions last five or ten years.
- Buy the recommended books by Jankari Hub because the above books are suggested by qualified candidates and teachers.
We think you have got the best and most important tips to crack the exam of CTET exam. If you have any doubts or suspicions send an email to us to get the latest tips and tricks to crack the CTET exam. We have been given the best CTET books list by expert and qualified candidates.
Best Books for CTET Exam: FAQ
Q. Which is the best book for CTET preparation?
A. Above all books are very important for the CTET exam 2024. If you buy the above-given books surely you can crack this exam on the first attempt.
Q. Is Ncert enough for CTET?
A. NCERT is the best book for CTET only for basic concepts not for all subject-clearing books. We have given many significant books which will help you to bring good numbers to the exam.
Q. What is the salary of a CTET teacher?
A. A CTET-passed teacher working at the primary level gets about Rs 35,000 to 37,000. A teacher working at the upper-primary level receives a salary of Rs 43,000 to 46,000. A CTET-qualified PGT teacher mostly gets a pay of Rs 48,000-50,000.
Q. Which publication books are the best for the CTET exam 2024?
A. According to the expert and teachers Arihant Publication books are very important for all CTET exams in 2024.